The Saga

So we are closing on our house the 29th of June.  That means at that time we will get some money from the sale. Which means a few things depending on what we do.

We had looked at a duplex that we hoped to rent but they would not approve 3 dogs. Had we gotten the duplex, we planned to use some of the house money to buy a washer and dryer and pay the deposit.

So I’ve been looking at other places to rent. The problem is that there are not many places that will accept 3 dogs and the ones that will, are in lower socio-economic class neighborhoods.  Which, ya know, we’re in that boat at this point.  But I still don’t want to be.

So I have choices to make and they are very tough. We can keep living in the RV, which is definitely the cheapest option, or we can keep looking for a rental.  I did find a rental option that would accept the 3 dogs, but have not heard back about my further questions from the management company.  The house is in a neighborhood similar to the duplex but closer to where Kris works, so that’s a plus.  It’s $50 more a month, which we could swing but we would still need to buy the washer and dryer.

I guess really I am just not that happy in the RV. It’s ok but I do not have the ability to do the things I used to do. Like whip out the sewing machine to make a skirt. Or whip out the mixer to bake something.  And I have to bend a lot to get into and out of bed because there is only 1 to 1 1/2 feet of space between the bed and the wall on my side. And if Kris or I is relaxing on the couch, the other person has to sit up at the table or at my little “desk” which is not a good computing position.

So there’s reasons for wanting to find something else, but I do like the park. I consider this park to be a far cry better than some of the places I’ve driven past. And it beats living in an apartment on a second floor or something.  I am just seriously bummed about that duplex. It was such a great configuration! It really was.  This other place on Lilly Ave, we haven’t been to see the inside of yet, but I did drive by it.  Someone is living in it at the moment.  It does have a large fenced yard (enough room for some agility!) and 3 bedrooms, which means we could have a guest room (if we had enough to buy a spare bed).  So it seems like a good thing but we’d still need to buy the washer and dryer or go to the laundromat.

Ugh, it’s just so frustrating because at times I want out of this RV so bad, but I also don’t want to “settle” for someplace unless it’s a good fit for us. The extra $50 a month will stretch my resources whereas staying put would be more comfortable money-wise.  And our space is quite nice really…. just wish there were some different things *inside* the space.  😉