Twitch USDAA Jan 24/25

We are up in Seattle this weekend, well ok Kent and Auburn, for a USDAA trial. We are staying with the Landes because they are about 20 minutes from the trial site.

My goals for Twitch on his Standard run this morning was do all 12 weaves and stick his contacts. I knew we would have some distraction issues so didn’t focus on those. Twitch got his weaves on the second or third try (first one he just ran by completely) and he had lovely contacts all day.

His second run was Gamblers and my goal was to run with purpose and get his weaves. I did run with purpose, his distraction was less but i failed to support an Aframe cue but we still Q’d. He got his weaves first try. 🙂

Third run was Pairs and I was really nervous about it because he can be a bit reactive. I met up with my partner early on and we had a nice walk and some off leash time with her dog Bobo and Twitch. They even played chase a bit! Twitch did fantastic in Pairs, a little distraction but pretty good considering new place and very noisy!

Tomorrow we head back for Standard, Snooker and Jumpers.
