Hardest Things

Last night I started cleaning up photos on my phone. Deleting old ones, slimming down multiples of the same shot to the best shot, etc.

Hardest thing to do is delete a picture of Kota. Even a blurry one that is over bright or too dark. Just hard to do it.

Also looking back over the pictures scrolling backwards in time, he got happier. The last month of his life the spark was really gone except to go for walks. That became obvious in pictures where he was looking at me, eyes bright, tongue hanging out. Versus recent ones where it’s an almost vacant stare.  Also I took a lot of pictures of him sleeping.

His last walk.

Last November.

Last August.

Last June.

Sometimes the grief hits and it is so hard. You just want to curl into a ball and sob.

But life goes on.

Silvia Trkman is a phenomenal agility trainer in Europe (I think Switzerland or near there). Her dog La was diagnosed with nasal cancer back in December. They pursued chemotherapy and radiation for her which stopped the aggressive type she had but she has now developed a hole in her palate that exposes bone. Surgery seems risky so they are not sure what to do. I share this because tragedy strikes anywhere and Cancer is indiscriminate. It takes those we love way too soon.

Hug your pets and loved ones every day. Spend time with them every day because they may be gone sooner than you expect.