Well today was better than last weeks’ trial so that is a good start.
We are still struggling with weave poles and twice today Twitch was slow off the start line. I have been analyzing our runs in my head and I’m going to list a few things I’ve noticed and/ or want to keep in mind.
He seems to do better if I give him some time to take in his surroundings. This is both while waiting our turn and as we enter the ring.
He doesn’t seem to like handling or play handling at the start line. I should be hands off mostly and ask for tricks instead.
He responds really well on course when I say Good Boy. I should use that to my advantage and say it more, especially before and after weaves and before turns.
He stresses about the weave poles and goes slow or runs by them when he sees them. I should not fix them and/or make them not a big deal somehow.
Also regarding weaves, in practice I mark the entrance with a Good. I didn’t do that today and need to remember to do that tomorrow.
If I come to a stop mid-run (in this case because he ran by the weaves) he shuts down and it takes an obstacle or two to get him back connected. I should keep moving and circle back if possible or just keep going.
Overall we were much improved as a team but we have much to learn still.
Edited Sunday.
So I tried lead outs and got fast starts.
I marked weave entrances with a Good and got slow, thoughtful but complete weaves. I’ll take them!
He was more consistent but still had some distraction things but was overall better at staying with me! Yay! We got 4 more Q’s and finished the Strategy title for level 3. 3 more Standard Qs and another Colors and Wildcard for his Level 3. 🙂