Random April Fools!

Today at one point I started crying over missing Kota and Tasha. There was a brown furry dog lying in a yard with his people and he just reminded me of Kota.

I did want to extole on Twitch’s behavior on our run today. He didn’t bark or lunge at any of the people we passed. He was only mildly interested in barking dogs behind fences and in houses. He has come so far in the year and a half he has been with us. We used to not walk him because he would bark and lunge at all the people AND the dogs. Now we mostly have trouble if there are dogs nearby. 

Once this half marathon training is done I’m going to spend more time and effort on these things with him, instead of just trying to get our miles in.

I ran him through most of his tricks tonight and he is doing awesome with those. I need to move them outside once the rain lets up a bit. I need to work on his paw targeting so I can teach him to cross his front legs. 🙂  I’ve also started the catch a treat off the nose and he actually caught one tonight! Go Twitch!