Camp was fun! Lots of good things learned and discovered in camp.
I learned that Twitch does ok camping in an RV and a tent.
I learned that Twitch doesn’t bark at goats.
I learned that the Derrett handling system uses a lot of trained cues.
I learned about circle work which I think will help our heeling.
I learned that I can sleep in a tent on a mattress and be ok.
I learned I don’t like the high desert for more than a day.
I learned that the high desert has amazing stars!
I also learned that a light coat is not enough for hanging out after the sun goes down.
I learned that I use the word GO a lot in training.
I learned that I give up too easily with asking Twitch to play with toys and then switch to food.
I learned that I need to make start line stays way more fun somehow.
I learned that Twitch can do three days of agility.
Lots of good stuff.
Thursday night I got stuck on the pass at Hoodoo because of an accident. It put me two hours behind schedule and I arrived in the dark. The sunset was pretty though.
Our campsite for Friday and Saturday night.
Twitch got me up early but not usually till after the birds or sun.
Twitch was pretty tired at the end of each day.