CPE CAT Ridgefield, WA 2017-08-26

Twitch, Vader, Kris and I went to an agility trial this past weekend hosted by CAT at the Ridgefield Fairgounds in WA.

Vader was 5 runs each day. Twitch 2 one day and 1 the second.

Twitch is only entered in Standard runs because that is what he needs for his C-ATCH. He got one on Saturday afternoon but not so much on the other two. An off course tunnel bit us. Oh well. Someday he will get that last Q.

Vader is doing really well! We had a couple bobbles but he was running fast and happy. If we could only get his weaves down pat, we would be in better shape. He had a couple nice ones but also missed one. 

We did 10 runs and got 9 Qs. The one non-Q was Snooker. I chose an agressive plan and it failed. I found myself blaming him for the bad run when it was really my fault. It always is. I wish I had a magic way to stop blaming the dog instead of my handling. A great weekend and I blamed him. Doesn’t make sense. I need to be very careful about that because I could shut him down with disappointment.

On another note it seems like Twitch is getting better about noises. We had the sprinkler guys come out and take a look at our system today. He barked a few times but I was able to call him over and calm him with pets. Also tonight he was alert to the fact that Kris was upstairs but he didn’t bark as much as he usually does. A symptom of a hot weekend? Or some progress? Let’s hope progress.