He still bounds around instead of running in my opinion. Very much a bouncy boy still. 🙂
Team Jumpers
This was a good run. I totally didn’t see the off course jump and didnt do anything about it as a result. But he had a great weave pole entrance!
Team Snooker
Tied with 3 other dogs for most points and was second fastest dog! Go baby dog!
Team Standard
I am not sure why he didnt commit to that jump near the end but the rest was lovely! Lots of dogs got lost at the tunnel next to the aframe from both sides!
Team Gamblers
Got a little greedy on points and missed the buzzer but he had never seen a wall jump and didn’t hesitate at all!
Team Relay
Good stuff here! Great stay and nice run!
Advanced Gamblers
I was sure we would have trouble with this gamble but baby dog pulled through!
Starters Standard
Lovely run. His weaves were great all weekend! Need to work that aframe contact a bit more. Not a fan of all the creeping I saw this weekend.
Starters Jumpers
He was great on this run! They recorded our time wrong so we were not the second fastest dog, by a lot. Lol didn’t matter because that off course jump killed our Q anyway. Everything was good but you can really see the bouncy puppy in the beginning. 🙂
We placed second in Team on Friday with April and Zippy and Libbi and Tosca. Two tournament Qs down for the baby dog just getting into Advanced!