Down in the Dumps

I have been really prone to sadness lately.

Kris’ grandpa Bob passed away the end of January.

Mrs G, my girl scout canoeing coach passed away this past Saturday.

Ted’s mother passed away this past weekend as well.

A friend’s digs were poisoned by rat poison somehow. They are doing ok so far.

Another friend’s dog had to have emergency spay surgery from pyometra. She should have been 4 weeks pregnant. 🙁

And another friend’s dog was just diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.

Add on top of all the close personal losses, is the whole issue with mass shootings going on in schools and the lack fo the damn government to do anything about it.

I took a sick day today because of headaches and just plain can’t adult anymore. I have found myself getting surly again so a day off was needed. I slept till 10. I did some bills. I took a nap. We played outside a bit.

I hope I start feeling better soon.