Happy Thanksgiving 2017!!

So we had a nice Thanksgiving with the Landes this past week. The Deckers flew out last Monday to Seattle and stayed with the Landes. We drove up Tuesday night and stayed until Saturday. The Deckers left on Friday.

We saw Justice League on Wednesday and made tons of food on Thursday. So. Much. Food!!

It was actually really nice. Lots of sitting around time which was very much needed. Relax and socialize.

Then today was back to the grind. Sigh.

I am going to try to do some exercises on a more regular basis. Breaking my foot last year pretty much killed all that, so time to get the habit back. My small goal is three times a week. Just my crunches, leg lifts and stretches. I hope this will get me to feeling better and get the habit going again. I definitely have more motivation in the AM if I can drag my butt out of bed! That’s the real challenge!

I am also contemplating taking a handling class with Vader. Maybe see how much work I have to do if I want to do this conformation thing. I am not sure I do but I would sure like to know what others think of him. 🙂 I think he is pretty awesome!

Work To Be Done

Apparently I need to work on my “just finished running 6.2 miles” face. Ugh.

But we had good times for those 6.2 miles.

Very proud of how we did. Now I’m going to rest a bit and hope my glute muscle heals and stops hurting. 🙁  I’m not sure if that can happen while still running agility though.

We shall see.


I want to write a post because I’m less tired than other nights and then I open this app to write, and nothing comes to mind.

I ran 5 miles last night. We have a 10K (6 miles) on Sunday North of Seattle. I am undecided about running tomorrow at this point. It will depend on how my knees feel, probably should have iced them tonight. I would much rather go work on some speed drills with Twitch in a big field but it’s supposed to be 95 degrees tomorrow. 

We hid inside tonight. I fully planned to go for a walk or do something more active but he got comfy on my lap while I was finishing watching my dinner TV show. So I had to watch another, couldn’t disturb the little guy now could I?

I am behind two or three months on my Clean Runs again. One of the articles looks good too. Maybe I will try to read it at lunch tomorrow.

Saturday my friend Ahelby is competing with Squall in his first CPE trial. I’m going to go and watch their first run and then head for Seattle to meet up with Kris at the Lande’s.

Oh, we did go to the beach on Labor Day. Spent the day walking the beach and even drove on the beach! Twitch did so well too with all the people and other dogs. He listened very well!  I thought for sure he would bark at the waves but he didn’t. He did bark at the crashing waves in this one hollow area. Had to put him on leash because I thought he might get too close and get washed away in a wave.

This is where he really wanted to get in and bite the waves. NOT a good idea.


Inflatable 5k

We traveled to Kennewick, WA and met up with Chris, Christy and Nick Lande to run the Insane Inflatable 5k! It was a lot of fun. 

The day was 70s, breezy and sunny. Great running weather! Nick took off and left us in the dust after the first obstacle. He didn’t realize we do these for fun and not to run. I caught up with him just under half way through and we walked/ran the rest of it. Finished as the 11:30 wave was taking off and we started in the 11 wave. Not bad. No official time and I didn’t take my phone for fear of losing it or breaking it.

Anyway the obstacles were a lot of fun. Mostly climbing and slides but the second one out of the start was a tire trot mimic. Think tires lined up where you have to jump from one foot to the other military style as you go through them. I tried to do a single file line but that was harder than back and forth. Proud to say I did the back and forth pretty well. Not super fast but not too bad. 🙂

The third obstacle was a house type of structure that held blow up balls in it. Then there were more climbs and slides as well as some obstacles like the bounce house Kris rented for my bday. The second to last was just an un-even floor, open house that I spent some time bouncing in. Last obstacle was two climbs and slides to the finish.

Warm water and cold bananas awaited us. I think that was their way of making sure we bought snow cones from the vendor.

Since Nick and I were far ahead we waited for everyone else and redid the second to last obstacle with them.

All in all it was a lot of fun!

Next post will be about the rest of the day!

Half Marathon Anyone?

I signed Kris and I up for a half marathon. In May. May 2nd to be exact. I may never run another one because this one starts at 7am! That is absurdly early. And it’s in Eugene! Ugh! We may get a hotel down there the night before because who wants to drive an hour that early on a Saturday? Blech.

So for Valentine’s Day this year we took Twitch and Shadow to Henline Falls. It was an easy, slow hike for the old girl. Twitch did ok for passing a couple terriers on trail and meeting a big lab mix at the falls. Then we stopped at the grocery store and grilled steak and potatoes. It really was a nice day. Oh and the weather has been fabulous!


Today I took Twitch to the park to work on stranger approaches and not reacting to dogs. We also worked on some tricks and behaviors to help generalize them. He did well! Making progress!
