So we had a nice Thanksgiving with the Landes this past week. The Deckers flew out last Monday to Seattle and stayed with the Landes. We drove up Tuesday night and stayed until Saturday. The Deckers left on Friday.
We saw Justice League on Wednesday and made tons of food on Thursday. So. Much. Food!!
It was actually really nice. Lots of sitting around time which was very much needed. Relax and socialize.
Then today was back to the grind. Sigh.
I am going to try to do some exercises on a more regular basis. Breaking my foot last year pretty much killed all that, so time to get the habit back. My small goal is three times a week. Just my crunches, leg lifts and stretches. I hope this will get me to feeling better and get the habit going again. I definitely have more motivation in the AM if I can drag my butt out of bed! That’s the real challenge!
I am also contemplating taking a handling class with Vader. Maybe see how much work I have to do if I want to do this conformation thing. I am not sure I do but I would sure like to know what others think of him. 🙂 I think he is pretty awesome!