WAG CPE 2015-11-01

Twitch and I went to one day of WAG’s agility trial on the 1st of November. It was CPE and we entered four runs. The location was the Corvallis Fairgrounds which they made a big deal about saying the footing was better. I chose to do one day to see for myself. I would say that it was not better. There were still lots of rocks and very loose clumps of dirt and gravel. 

Twitch didn’t run that well there so I don’t think we will go back. He was slow and distracted and maybe because he kept landing on rocks. We did manage 3 Q’s out of four but they were slow and not pretty. I gave up on Standard after a couple icky spots and then he went around the teeter. Sigh.

He was a little weird in class this past week in the first run but his second and third were better.

League this week we did ok. An off course in Standard but our Almost FAST class went very well. We were subbing for Crystal this week.

We went back to the barn today to work on contacts and weave poles. I think we might be getting more clarification of what “spot” means. He has been either not stopping or creeping or leaping in trials lately.

We ran the dog walk today and he stopped near the top of the down ramp when I said spot and I was 15 feet off the side. I said it again and he moved two feet and stopped again. So I waited to see if he would move into position but he didn’t. Just stood there. For over a minute. Then I started trying to figure out how to fix it. So we went back to close work where he was a foot from the end, spot, cookie. Then two feet up the ramp, spot and cookie. Switched sides, repeat. Then later in our practice I repeated the dog walk with me 15 feet off the side and he moved into position! Yay! So hopefully this is going to help.

We do USDAA with RAT (Rainier Agility Team) next weekend in Elma, WA and I would really like him to get his contacts. We do Steeplechase for the first time and I am excited about that! Too bad it’s at the end of the first day. It will be our first time at that location and our first time staying in a hotel. I am truly hopeful that the hotel is quiet and Twitch settles down well. Fingers crossed!

Perfect Run

Tonight Twitch and I had a perfect run in class. All our runs were pretty good but the last one was outstanding! Not one flaw and it was FAST! It was the type of run I wish we had more of!

It was slice a jump, tunnel, far side of tunnel, circle of double, jump, tire, to the Aframe, jump, jump, serpentine jumps, to another jump and 270 to another jump, then serpentine down another line to finish with another jump. 18 obstacles. It was fun and smooth!

The kind I aspire to more of!


CAT CPE Ridgefield, WA

This past weekend Twitch and I went to Ridgefield, WA for a CPE agility trial held by CAT (Columbia Agility Team). The trial was two rings on dirt in the large horse arena.

Both days had two rounds of Standard in one ring with the games in the other. Saturday was Fullhouse, Colors and Wildcard. Sunday was Jackpot, Snooker and Jumpers.

We entered both Standard rounds each day and on Sat Colors and Wildcard for four runs. On Sunday we entered Snooker. Based on the posted schedule of classes Level 4,5,C Standard conflicted with both Fullhouse on Saturday and Jackpot on Sunday. Since those are “easy” classes for us, I didn’t enter those to avoid the conflicts.

Saturday the schedule ended up that we ran first thing and then not again until 2pm where we ran three runs in a couple hours.

Sunday we ran Standard, then walked Standard, walked Snooker, ran Standard and then ran Snooker.

I am going to complain a bit here because I really think they could do a better job of scheduling the classes so the conflicts are less. Sunday saw the same group of dogs trying to run in two rings for back to back classes. I am glad I had not entered Jackpot. I didn’t enter Jumpers because I was afraid that if it was hot I wouldn’t have much dog by then. And it was hot! 93 both days. Our Colors run last of the day on Saturday was super slow! Got 4th place in that one. Our one white ribbon!

We finished the weekend with 6 Qs out of 7 runs so not too bad. I was not pleased with bits of our performances. He is avoiding the aframe and not stopping in his contact position. The last classes on Sunday I didn’t ask for the stop and he seemed happier. Other than slow he did ok. Our wraps are still a work in progress and he does them very slow. Sigh. Things to work on! Now if we could just get some rain so my grass greens up!

We also camped over night in the van. That worked out pretty well and I will definitely do that again!

Tired puppy.


Two Venues, One Weekend

This weekend Twitch and I competed in two different agility trials. K-9 Sports USDAA in Longview, WA and Fleet Feet CPE in Turner, OR.

The USDAA trial was outside on grass and the day turned out to be chilly and drizzly. Twitch loved it! I loved being outside with the room and space! Just wish I’d worn pants and a coat!

Our first run was Gamblers. I meant to send him through the tire over a jump then up the aframe. Instead he veered to the teeter so I had to adjust my plan but it worked out very well and we got the pinwheel gamble.

The second run was P2 Standard, our first go of it. I did not run it like I walked it. Oops. I started on the wrong side and then didn’t front cross before the aframe, so did after and then bobbled the weaves a bit. Coming out of the chute was not pretty since I meant to pull to the landing side of the next jump but instead ran to the take off side. We still managed to get over the right jump going the right direction. Then didn’t give a clear signal and pick up for the second to last jump but again salvaged it. Oi! We got that Q too.

Last run was Pairs. We ran with Nikki and Fancy. Twitch was a little growly when they came in for the handoff but refocused nicely. Aside from me momentarily forgetting the course, that run went pretty smooth.

Today was Fullhouse and Standard. He ran fast in Fullhouse accumulating 39 points (we needed 25) for a first place in Level 4. He did miss a tunnel but I didn’t cue any collection or come in to me over the jump preceding the tunnel, totally my fault.

Standard was a loopy course that was a lot of fun. We bobbled the weaves because again, I tried for a front cross and didn’t cue collection for that first pole well enough. The rest of the course was ok except for after the teeter where I forgot the course again.  We got back on track without too bad of a handling error and pulled in the 5th Q. 

Sheesh, not a good weekend for me handling wise!

Overall he did well and enjoyed himself. So proud of the little guy!!

Next Trials

Tomorrow we play USDAA in Longview Washington. It will be outside on grass so who knows how we will do. 

Saturday we stay local and go to Fleet Feet’s CPE trial. Just two runs first thing in the AM and then off to do other things.

We are registered for USDAA the 19th of July but just Gamblers. Gotta try to get those Gamblers and Pairs legs!

In August I am registered for one trial, CPE and then I’m going to do some kayaking and hiking. We will start again in September.