AKC Ridgefield, WA 2018-03-18

Vader and I headed up to Ridgefield to attend the PAC AKC agility trial. We were entered in Open Fast, Open Jumpers with Weaves and Novice Standard.

FAST went well despite me completely changing my plans after walking. The line other folks were setting off the aframe was way better than what I was going to attempt. It all went just fine until near the end when I turned him the wrong way and we bobbled the teeter approach. He did fine and we Qd anyway. 🙂

JWW was a disaster. I got him out way too early and he did 1-2-4 instead of 1-2-3-4. I had much too much collection and pull off cues and that is exactly what he did. Then he took the tunnel. From there we just hit the finish jump and left. NQ.

Novice Standard was 4 hours later and went just fine. He took all the things I told him too and in the order I showed him. Q! Now we are out of Novice and won’t have to do that stay stupid late bit again.

Good boy Vader!!

Vader AKC 2016-10-21

Vader and I did AKC this weekend at the Salem Fairgrounds. The Shetland Sheepdog Club was hosting this one. Since it was in our backyard so to speak, I decided to enter.

Saturday the weather was super windy and off and on rain. The parking lot there is a mud pit.

Despite all that, Vader Q’d in all three runs on Saturday! We did FAST, JWW (Jumpers with Weaves) and Standard, all Novice level. His FAST and JWW Q’s meant we moved to Open for Sunday. He was perfect all weekend. Courses were open and flowing and really easy. We were definitely the “ringer” in Novice. 

Sunday was just as much fun! We Q’d in all 3 runs with perfect runs. His weaves were amazing, his following me and responding to my cues was phenomenal. So pleased with our teamwork. He is so much easier to run because he actually runs! His JWW run today was a 4.83 yps run!  Saturday was 5.31 yps!

This was my second ever AKC trial. I have to admit the atmosphere is different. At USDAA it was always the same people volunteering but they were always there, ready to go. At this trial there was a lot of asking. A lot of loud cajoling to get people to help and volunteer. It’s too bad really because the folks that do volunteer and do a lot of the work? They are going to get burned out on it.

Anyway we might do more AKC in the future, who knows?!