C-ATCH Twitch!!

We got it! We got that last Standard Q!

It was super stressful because on Saturday he tore an ear before we even got fully setup! Somehow in the field, either on the fence being a dick to another dog or on a thorn. So he went home for the day to make sure it clotted and stopped bleeding. Then that night his eyelid got scraped and he had a bloody eye! Sheesh!

He rallied and on Sunday ran his little heart out for me. Poor guy has to have a crappy handler and we had a bobble in the middle but otherwise it was a really nice run!

Sun Standard C-ATCH

Sun Colors

Vader had a great weekend too! Six runs and six Qs. It’s is so much fun to run a dog that enjoys the game. 🙂

Sat Standard

Sat Snooker

Sat Jumpers

Sun Standard

Sun Wildcard

Sun Colors