Lots of Thoughts Today

Lots of things have gone through my mind today so bear with this post as it wanders.

Facebook is a time suck but I love it. I get to “meet” people on my terms and interact with them in a way I’m comfortable with.

I miss reading and have found myself drawn back into the world of Harry Potter.

Twitch does so well at home I really wish I had some help and guidance in transferring that elsewhere.

I miss Tasha and Kota. A picture of the three is us snoozing on a futon popped up on my computer at work today. Miss their fuzzy faces.

I am so glad I have Twitch. We still have Shadow but she and I have never bonded so these times when Kris travels would be incredibly lonely for me without Twitch.

I am thinking of an Icelandic Sheepdog for my next dog. If it turns out to not have the drive I desire, there is always next time. But when the time comes I may end up with another rescue. We shall see.

I need to write down Twitch’s tricks so I remember which ones he knows, which ones need work and which ones have just begun. He knows so many now! It’s so much fun!
