USDAA WAG 2016/03/19

Twitch and I attended WAG’s USDAA trial on Saturday at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Corvallis. We entered one day because WAG kept posting how much better the footing was. They said they were raking it each night but IMO it’s not the hardness but all the damn rocks!

Twitch has never run well there and I’m not going to enter him there again. I was going for fun courses and motivation as an I don’t care about these Qs courses and for the most part that is how it went. Until Snooker and the aframe. Which he refused twice. So no more Corvallis trials for us.

Standard I didn’t support one jump enough and he went around it, so we didn’t Q.

Gamblers we were doing well but I was too far forward for the last jump of the Gamble and he came into me instead of taking the jump. Then after going past it I tried to salvage things and he back jumped. Oh well.

Snooker I was going for three 7s which meant three aframe a and he refused the first but I made him go up and then he refused again. I bailed and we did two tunnels instead.

Jumpers he did not start out with any motivation or speed so we looped through 6 jumps and was done. 

I liked the first two runs but the last two were not great. I have work to do. Sigh.