Struggles Are Real

I feel like crap. My right foot (the one I broke in 2016) has been causing me lots of pain the last few months. My knees have been hurting quite a bit and the other day at work on a walk, the right knee started clicking!

But I want to practice agility. And I want to move equipment around! But I hurt, so I don’t want to actually do that.

The struggle is hard. My brain wants to do things but my body says rest. If I do the things, then I hurt.

Oh and the house needs cleaned. At least upstairs. Which means more pain from kneeling to scrub the tub and bending to scrub the sinks. So how do I manage the balance of things that I want to do versus what I need to do and how much pain they will cause me?

Today I am resting. Kind of. I slept till 11 (called in sick) and will do the house stuff in spurts today. I plan to do some agility tonight when it is cooler.

Feels Good

Feels good to pay off a loan! We paid off two in the last couple days. Granted we took on one but we are net down one! Woot!

Next month we get back to some serious monthly savings. I bumped up our savings starting next month based on our budget and loans, etc. It will be good to start saving again. Now if we can just quit spending so much extra each month! 🙂

It really does feel really good to have the field paid off.

Selling Cars

Before today, Kris and I owned 4 cars. Today we said goodbye to my minivan. I bought the 2002 Honda Odyssey in 2006 so I could spend more pleasant days at trials and get sometimes 4 dogs and our gear to the trial site. That van went from IN to NY to OR and WA. We took it to CPE Nationals in 2017 down in CA. It was a really great vehicle and I miss parts of it.

It was getting old and quirky. We sold it to a young woman with 3 kids. I hope they get lots more years out of it without too many issues.

Tomorrow we are selling off the Outback. It too has been a good car but I am not as attached to that one as Kris drove it the most. It will remain in the family and now belong to the Leith’s. I hope they too enjoy it and get what they need out of it.

Kris bought a 2013 Ford F150 with 105k miles on it. I really hope he gets at least 7 years out of it! Lol

I have my Acadia which I like very much! It doesn’t have quite the room the van did but it is great otherwise!

Done Adulting

Can I take a break from adulting? Is that possible? Looming bills to pay. Smells from septics. House cleaning and mowing and weeding. Ugh!

I did some grocery shopping today. Took an hour. Then 45 minutes to put ut all away. 

I also watered part of the yard.

And fed Mickey.

Plus I worked 8 hours on a very mentally challenging programming issue.

I’m beat!


Someday my field will be awesome!

But this year will not see that day. I need a heavy rain or some serious watering to compact the sand and mulch, as well as probably some mixing. 

We bought a roller and I watered tonight and then rolled. The watered half was better but the dogs still run into loose footing on tight turns. The weave poles also create divets. I won’t water again until we get the backflow on the irrigation lines because then I can hook into that instead of using softened water. It’s just not worth it.

So we shall play on the dry stuff and see how it goes. I am really wishing i had bought used turf instead for out there. Skip the mulch and sand, save the $6000 and bought turf. Oh well, live and learn I guess.