Today Twitch, Vader and I trekked up to Longview, WA for a CPE games only trial put on by the Columbia Agility Team. I signed Twitch up for 4 runs out of 5 and Vader for all 5.
Twitch ran really well for me. I am pleased with how he did. He managed a couple firsts and seconds with Qs in all runs. We did Jumpers, Colors, Snooker and Wildcard, all Level 5 as a Veteran. I ran the same way with him as I did with Vader in all runs and he had tighter turns than Vader on some courses but was overall a few seconds slower every time. It was neat to be able to compare some of the times with each other since I was running the same course in the same way for each dog.
Jumpers was first and the only difference is I didn’t trust Vader for the second jump as much and ended up rear crossing the serpentine versus a blind like with Twitch. I ran the same course in Snooker for both dogs and neither dog heeded my “push” cue for the backside of the 7b jump. Both started towards the table. I managed to get their attentions and we did fine after that. No video of any runs which is a bummer.

Vader also ran Fullhouse at the end of the day. I planned a super fast flowing circle of fun for us. We needed 25 points to Q and we had 30 seconds to do it in. We got 47 points in 27 seconds. 🙂 It was a lot of fun and we flew! I ran as fast as I could and I’m sure it would not have looked that fast on video. 🙂 I was really puffing after that run. But man it was fun. He read my decel in the two places I put it and got every obstacle we ran past. It was so awesome!
Vader’s Snooker Q was Level 3 so we are finished with all Level 3 now!

Tomorrow we do AKC in Ridgefield!