CPE Fleet Feet 2017-12-03 and 04

This past weekend I took Twitch and Vader to the Turner barn for a CPE trial hosted by Fleet Feet. Vader ran a full weekend and Twitch ran two runs each day. My goal with Twitch is to have happy runs. Q or no Q, just happy. I think we definitely achieved that!


He ran Jackpot and Standard on Saturday. We did not get the Jackpot because of an extra jump but he was fast and happy! So good to see and run! Standard was lovely, no complaints and it was a nice run.

Sunday was Fullhouse and Standard again. No complaints in Fullhouse though his serpentines need some work. Standard we had an off course tunnel, need to work those threadles more, but the rest was great!


Saturday was Jackpot, Standard, Colors and Wildcard. Jackpot was a Q but it wasn’t pretty! We had some baby dog moments and some handler lack of handling, which resulted in many giggles from me.

Standard was great! I was late on a blind and he barked at me but was just fine otherwise.

Colors was fine though I over compensated a couple times.

Wildcard was great too.


We did Fullhouse, Standard, Snooker and Jumpers. All but Jumpers went just fine. Jumpers was a bit of a cluster. Lol I over corrected or didn’t show the line well enough and he almost took an off course tunnel. He also at another point, tried to jump onto the top of a tunnel! Oi vey!

Overall a good weekend. I figured out the ramp and car situation which is great. Love lots of things about the new car and this was its first trial test.

Next up, December 30 at Fun Fur Paws in Mt Vernon, WA!