CAT CPE Longview, WA 2018-03-17

Today Twitch, Vader and I trekked up to Longview, WA for a CPE games only trial put on by the Columbia Agility Team. I signed Twitch up for 4 runs out of 5 and Vader for all 5.

Twitch ran really well for me. I am pleased with how he did. He managed a couple firsts and seconds with Qs in all runs. We did Jumpers, Colors, Snooker and Wildcard, all Level 5 as a Veteran. I ran the same way with him as I did with Vader in all runs and he had tighter turns than Vader on some courses but was overall a few seconds slower every time. It was neat to be able to compare some of the times with each other since I was running the same course in the same way for each dog.

Jumpers was first and the only difference is I didn’t trust Vader for the second jump as much and ended up rear crossing the serpentine versus a blind like with Twitch. I ran the same course in Snooker for both dogs and neither dog heeded my “push” cue for the backside of the 7b jump. Both started towards the table. I managed to get their attentions and we did fine after that. No video of any runs which is a bummer.

Vader also ran Fullhouse at the end of the day. I planned a super fast flowing circle of fun for us. We needed 25 points to Q and we had 30 seconds to do it in. We got 47 points in 27 seconds. 🙂 It was a lot of fun and we flew! I ran as fast as I could and I’m sure it would not have looked that fast on video. 🙂 I was really puffing after that run. But man it was fun. He read my decel in the two places I put it and got every obstacle we ran past. It was so awesome!

Vader’s Snooker Q was Level 3 so we are finished with all Level 3 now!

Tomorrow we do AKC in Ridgefield!

USDAA Clear Mind 2018-01-13

On the weekend of the 13/14th of January I took Twitch and Vader to the USDAA Tournament-only trial at Daisy Peel’s place. Couldn’t beat the view! Chilly mornings but the days warmed up and were stunning for January.

Twitch tried Team for the first time pairing with Heather and Navarre. He did so well! So proud of the little guy. He has been there before but not for competition. He ran well for me and had lots of Qs and gave me a lot of himself. Very pleased with him.

Vader and I did Team with April/Josie and Molly/Moxie. Vader was a rock star! He got lots of points and ran very well. We also tried Grand Prix for the first time. We didn’t Q due to a refusal or two but that is ok. All the rest of his runs were really fantastic. He got first place in Steeplechase and won $10! He did very well in a new place on the nice turf there.

CPE Fleet Feet 2017-12-03 and 04

This past weekend I took Twitch and Vader to the Turner barn for a CPE trial hosted by Fleet Feet. Vader ran a full weekend and Twitch ran two runs each day. My goal with Twitch is to have happy runs. Q or no Q, just happy. I think we definitely achieved that!


He ran Jackpot and Standard on Saturday. We did not get the Jackpot because of an extra jump but he was fast and happy! So good to see and run! Standard was lovely, no complaints and it was a nice run.

Sunday was Fullhouse and Standard again. No complaints in Fullhouse though his serpentines need some work. Standard we had an off course tunnel, need to work those threadles more, but the rest was great!


Saturday was Jackpot, Standard, Colors and Wildcard. Jackpot was a Q but it wasn’t pretty! We had some baby dog moments and some handler lack of handling, which resulted in many giggles from me.

Standard was great! I was late on a blind and he barked at me but was just fine otherwise.

Colors was fine though I over compensated a couple times.

Wildcard was great too.


We did Fullhouse, Standard, Snooker and Jumpers. All but Jumpers went just fine. Jumpers was a bit of a cluster. Lol I over corrected or didn’t show the line well enough and he almost took an off course tunnel. He also at another point, tried to jump onto the top of a tunnel! Oi vey!

Overall a good weekend. I figured out the ramp and car situation which is great. Love lots of things about the new car and this was its first trial test.

Next up, December 30 at Fun Fur Paws in Mt Vernon, WA!

Practice 2017-10-10

I went out to the field tonight and played with the pups.

With Vader, we worked table performance on the Klimb platform. We worked sending to jumps and tunnels. We worked weaves where I was in front of them when he started. We worked on his aframe 2o2o with me moving laterally.

With Twitch we worked table performances, weave poles and his coming into me over a jump. As well as sends to the tunnel.

Table Work

Vader is good about getting up and lying down quickly but he needs more work coming out of a fast tunnel.

Twitch is good about collecting to get up but then doesnt do an auto down.

Weave Poles Handler Ahead

Both dogs had a little trouble with this but Vader more so. Need to work this more.

Sends to Tunnels

Both dogs are doing really well with this!


Vader is doing great and he had some pretty fast into position spots tonight.

Twitch runs his aframe. I should work his more if I want him to do well in USDAA.

C-ATCH Twitch!!

We got it! We got that last Standard Q!

It was super stressful because on Saturday he tore an ear before we even got fully setup! Somehow in the field, either on the fence being a dick to another dog or on a thorn. So he went home for the day to make sure it clotted and stopped bleeding. Then that night his eyelid got scraped and he had a bloody eye! Sheesh!

He rallied and on Sunday ran his little heart out for me. Poor guy has to have a crappy handler and we had a bobble in the middle but otherwise it was a really nice run!

Sun Standard C-ATCH

Sun Colors

Vader had a great weekend too! Six runs and six Qs. It’s is so much fun to run a dog that enjoys the game. 🙂

Sat Standard

Sat Snooker

Sat Jumpers

Sun Standard

Sun Wildcard

Sun Colors